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NIC Platform Glossary

NIC Applications
Insured Connect (NIC) Applications

Agent Application

Distributor Application

Carrier Application

Policy Owner Application

The website that provides Agents with access to NIC Services including their in force book of business, as well as Carrier and Distributor communications, documents, content, tools, apps and other products and services. More information about the Agent Application can be found at

The website that provides Distributors with access to NIC Services and their in force book of business, as well as Carrier and Agent communications, documents, content, tools, apps and other products and services. More information about the Distributor Application can be found at

The website that provides Carriers with access to NIC Services including their in force data along with the ability to share content and documents and to communicate with NIC Platform Users. More information about the Carrier Application can be found at

Application that enables Policy Owner Users to access the Life Data Package, Annuity Data Package, PEP & Marketplace.

Insured Connect (NIC) Stakeholders

Insured Connect Employee


Active Agents


Active Carrier

Carrier Partners

NIC Carrier Relationship Manager

Data Supplier


Distributor Data Coordinator

Distributor Signing Authority

NIC Distributor Relationship Manager

Policy Owner

Insured Connect Platform Administrator

NIC Onboarding Team Member

A person who is hired for a wage, salary, fee or payment to perform work for Insured Connect.

Insurance Advisors, Producers, Agents and their support staff that are contracted with you to sell insurance products and services.

Any Agent who has completed NIC’s subscription process, agreed to the terms of the NIC Agent End User License Agreement and thus subscribed for the Agent Application and Activate Program.

A company that offers and/or underwrites insurance policies. Carriers most often act as sources for electronic data for the Insured Connect platform.

Any Carrier who has subscribed for the Carrier App and Activate Program.

Any life insurance or annuity Carriers who have agreed to provide Insured Connect with data feeds.

An Insured Connect employee who has been assigned to a specified Carrier. They are responsible for the day-to-day engagement with the Carrier and will be the point of contact between the Carrier and Insured Connect on all matters related to the NIC platform.

A company that provides information to be loaded into the Insured Connect platform. Most often, this is a Carrier.

Broker dealers, broker general agencies and other similar organizations that have, or are affiliated with, a network of agents that sell financial and/or insurance products to policy/account owners.

A person who works with NIC Carrier Relationship Manager to obtain in force data policies from carriers.

A person working for the distributor who has the legal authority to bind the company and can agree to the terms of the distributor participation agreement.

An IC employee who has been assigned to a specified Distributor. They are responsible for the day-to-day engagement with the Distributor and will be the point of contact between the Distributor and Insured Connect on all matters related to the NIC platform.

A person who has purchased an insurance policy, sold by an Agent representing you, that is included in the Customer Data.

Insured Connect employee or consultant who has administrative rights to grants, edit or delete user access and to add, edit and delete content.

An Insured Connect employee who is part of the onboarding team that works with the Distributor, Distributor Super User, and Data Coordinator in onboarding distributors onto the NIC platform.

NIC Stakeholders

Distributor Data

Distributor Engagement

Distributor Onboarding

Get Started (button)

The NIC Platform

Insured Connect Program

Registered Access

Signup Page

Also referred to as Customer data, it is in force data collected from Carriers, on behalf of the Distributor, and made available to Distributors through the Distributor Application and Agents through the Agent Application.

The sales and marketing process involved with bringing a distributor onto the IC platform, included in the distributor onboarding process.

The process by which a distributor is engaged and set up on the IC platform. It includes the distributor engagement and distributor setup processes, as well as the distributor invitation (future), agent invitation and agent setup processes.

A button that appears on the IC website that triggers the distributor onboarding or carrier onboarding processes.

The technology platform created and operated by Insured Connect which aggregates in force life insurance and annuity data, enables Carriers and Agents with access to in force data, and enables Carriers and Distributors to share content and communicate with -Agents. The NIC Platform is further described for Distributor Users here and for Agent Users here

The full scope of platform features and services offered by Insured Connect, including all applications and the integrations between applications.

The access level supplied to a distributor or carrier that allows them to log in to a secure area of the Insured Connect website. This secure area provides documentation, support materials and additional information about the Insured Connect platform.

Web page linked from the Insured Connect website that allows a Distributor or Carrier to sign up to use the Insured Connect platform.

Hierarchy Related Terms


Business Unit



Unassigned Business Unit

Data Access

Super User (Distributor)



Subscriber User

Dormant Subscriber User


Managing Principal

On Behalf Of (OBO)

Single-Sign-On (SSO) User

Business Unit's Network

Distributor Code/BGA Code/GA Code

The logical organization of business units. In the hierarchy, the Distributor’s business units are arranged one above the other according to their level in the business structure.

Each business unit can have one or more business units below.

Each business unit can have only one unit directly above it. (except the top unit – the Distributor - which has no parent)

The Hierarchy can be many levels deep or flat or something in between.  Some hierarchies may be very simple with 2 – 3 levels; (e.g. state, city, agent), others may be very complex with multiple levels and even agent downlines.

A Business Unit in the Distributor’s hierarchy is a discrete reporting unit that can be an insurance agent or an office. 

Every insurance policy is assigned to the business unit determined to be the policy’s servicing agent

An office refers to any company or business group.  An office can be a Branch, a Territory, a subsidiary Distributor, a limited company or any other business grouping. Examples of offices include “Eastern Division” or “John Smith’s Group” or “XYZ Insurance Ltd.”

A Business Unit’s downline includes all Business Units below it in the Hierarchy. 

This business unit contains agents and offices identified as servicing agents in the carrier data feed, but were not previously listed in the hierarchy. Also, any of the Distributor’s policies that cannot be assigned a servicing agent, will be assigned to the unassigned business unit.

Defines a user’s visibility to platform Data. Platform Data is provided or aggregated at the Business Unit level, and users are provided access to Business Units, giving them visibility to the data that is associated with that Business Unit and its downline.

A designated individual with administrator privileges including the ability to modify the hierarchy (e.g. set up branches and business units), grant data access, and manage the application invitation process to invitees, including both distributor and agent users.

A person listed as a potential user of the NIC platform. It may be someone who has or has not subscribed to the NIC platform.

A user who has received an invite but has not completed the User Setup Process to become a Subscriber.

Any person with an Active Subscription to any of the Carrier App, Distributor App, Agent App, or Policy/Account Owner App and who has read and agreed to the terms of the EULA and Privacy Policy.

Any subscriber who has not used the application in the previous 365 days and who has not cancelled or otherwise deleted their user record within the application. A dormant subscriber record is locked out of the application and must be reactivated by a super user or administrator prior to gaining access to the application through the regular login process. (This does not include policy owners).

An employee, consultant or other affiliated individual with a contracted relationship to a Carrier, Distributor, or Agent office who is a potential Subscriber.

A user role where the user is also an owner of an office that has a Tax ID that can be associated with policies.

A user role where a user has been granted data access by an Agent/Managing Principal to the Agent/Managing Principal’s Business Unit. OBO’s cannot give data access to any other user; only an agent can remove the OBO’s data access, In addition, OBO’s chat as themselves.

A user who is able to log in with a single ID and password to gain access to any of several related systems. Single Sign-On refers to a property of access control of multiple related, yet independent, software systems.

A group of users and offices that includes the Business Unit’s downline, and any user that has data access to that Business Unit, or a Business Unit its downline. User can include Agents, OBOs, and Distributor staff. 

Unique codes used by Carriers to associate insurance policies and product with the Distributor.

Hierarchy Terms
Legal Documents

Carrier Master Services Agreement (Carrier MSA)

Data Authorization

Data Supplier Agreement

Distributor Master Services Agreement (Distributor MSA)

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Information Security Policy/Infosec Policy

Privacy Policy

Agreement between IC and a carrier describing the terms and conditions of the partnership.

Notification provided by the distributor to a data supplier authorizing the transference of data from the data supplier to IC on behalf of the distributor.

Agreement between IC and a data supplier describing the terms and conditions of the partnership that enables IC to access and provide data to subscribers.

Agreement between IC and a distributor describing the terms and conditions of the partnership.

An agreement between IC and an active subscriber of any of NIC Carrier, NIC Distributor, NIC Advisor, NIC Policy Owner establishing the end user’s right to use the IC platform.

A policy created by IC that documents the expectations and requirements for the handling, storage, and security of data as performed by IC staff on IC infrastructure.

A document outlining how IC gathers, uses, discloses, shares and manages data, including the sharing of data with third parties, which is disclosed to all subscribers.

Legal Documens

Agent Setup Process

Carrier Setup Process

Data Acquisition

Distributor Setup Process


Subscription Process

Workflow/process by which an advisor or advisory office is set up on the IC platform, including a checklist of steps and artifacts required to be completed. This is outlined in the “advisor setup process” document.

Workflow/process by which a carrier is set up on the IC platform, including a checklist of steps and artifacts required to be completed. This is outlined in the “carrier setup process” document.

The process by which data is authorized to be provided to IC and the related actions taken by IC and a data supplier to setup the provision of that data.

Workflow/process by which a distributor is set up on the IC platform, including a checklist of steps and artifacts required to be completed. This is outlined in the “distributor setup process” document and appended as Schedule A to the Program Participation Agreement.

A platform-generated email, SMS or other communication actioned by a carrier, distributor or advisor active subscriber, inviting another user to join the platform. User invites can be sent as a single invitation or in bulk (invitations to multiple users). Invitations can be sent to distributor or advisor staff to help engage them in the subscription process.

Steps that an invited user completes to become an active subscriber. This is a subset of the setup processes, which apply to carrier, distributor, advisor and policy owner users.

Premium Services

Agent CRM Integration

Agent Data Upload

Agent Intranet Single-Sign -On

Distributor CRM Integration

Distributor Electronic Data Aggregation

Distributor One-Time Data Uplaod

Distributor System & Application Integrations

Distributor Training

Tools Integration

Services that enable integration of an agent’s CRM system with the Insured Connect platform.

A one-time integration and data upload of agent data.

Services that allow for single-sign-on integration with an agent’s intranet platform.

Services that enable integration of a distributor’s existing customer relationship management (“CRM”) systems with the IC platform.

Process to integrate and/or load and synchronize a distributor’s data onto the IC platform.

Process to integrate and/or load a distributor’s data onto the IC platform.

Services that enables distributors to integrate distributor services and business processes with the IC platform.

A training program for distributor users that provides deeper knowledge of the distributor application to enable the application’s use to its full potential. Training may include in-person sessions, webinars and electronic material.

Services that enable integrations with distributor and agent tools and systems, such as illustrations, e-apps, e-underwriting, financial planning, etc.

NIC Features & Services

Standard Features

Premium Features

NIC Services

Activate Program

Engage Program

Accelerate Program

Features that are free to active subscribers.

Features that are paid features and optional for active subscribers, purchased through the applications. These features may be sponsored by the carriers and distributors and purchased by their super users for agents, or they can be purchased by the agent user within the application.

The programs and services defined below and further described here:

The base program that enables Distributors and Agents to access their in force data through the Distributor and Agent Applications. The Activate Program includes access to data, as well as features and services for Distributors and Agents. More information about the Activate Program can be found at the NIC Services Link.

The program that enables Distributors with communicate and share content with the Agents on the NIC Platform. More information about the Engage Program can be found at the NIC Services link.

The program that enables Distributors to integrate and make Distributor websites, tools, apps and services accessible to NIC Platform Users. More information about the Accelerate Program can be found at

Premium Services
NIC Features & Services
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